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Never pay for a discount code or give out personal information to receive discount vouchers. They are available for free, and the point is to save you money.
According to a survey conducted in 2020, around 70% of UK consumers said they had used an online discount code in the past 12 months. This trend is expected to continue to grow in the future as more consumers become comfortable shopping online.
Online shopping has become very popular in the last decade! Most people prefer online shopping for its ease and convenience yet at the same time the risk of not receiving what they ordered is much higher.
As more and more of us take to online buying, the high street is being transformed.
Higher education abroad is not easy. If you are sending your kid to an international school you will need some financial guidance on making sure they have everything they need.
There are many ways to make money so that you can have an extra bit of cash, put away a tidy sum or make a pretty cool income. Here are some of the sustainable, financially viable and profitable ways to make money.