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priceline discount codes and vouchers

February 2025 5 offers validated
Top Voucher


Enter this Priceline voucher code to save $25 on hotel Express Deals®, when you spend $125 or more.

Top Voucher

Up to 60% off

Save up to 60% on Los Angeles California Hotels when you redeem this discount offer.

More discounts this week

Up to 60% off

Save up to 60% on New York City Hotels when you redeem this discount offer.

Up to 40% off

Redeem this Priceline discount offer to save up to 40% off Florida hotels.


Use this priceline deal & Save up to $625 when you book your hotel and flight together.

Recently Expired Discount Vouchers


Enter this Priceline voucher code to save an extra $30 off Express Deal Hotels of $250 or more.

  • Expired
  • Validated This offer has been tested and approved
  • Voucher code

10% off

Apply this Priceline voucher code and save 10% on Hotel Express Deals - up to $100 savings on Hotel Express Deals.


Apply this Priceline voucher code and save an EXTRA $15 on Hotel Express Deals of $150 or more.

10% off

Apply this Priceline voucher code to save an extra 10% on hotel, rental car, and flight deals anywhere a coupon is accepted.


Valentine's Day Sale! Apply this Priceline voucher code to save $20 when you book on the Priceline site OR save $30 when you book on the Priceline app.

12% off

Enter this Priceline voucher code to stay 3+ nights, save 12% on Hotel Express Deals®

8% off

Stay 2 nights, save 8% on hotel Express Deals® when you apply this Priceline voucher code.


Enter this Priceline voucher code to save $10 when you spend $100 or more and get $25 off when you spend $200 or more.

  • Expired
  • Validated This offer has been tested and approved
  • Voucher code

10% off

Black Friday Sale! Apply this Priceline Black Friday voucher code to save 10% on Priceline Experiences.

Up to 15% off

Cyber Monday Sale! Save up to 15% off any hotel when you apply this priceline Cyber Monday voucher code.