Save on your next hotel stay with Travelodge's UK discount vouchers
When booking accommodation with Travelodge UK, you are granted access to the finest range of hotels in destinations like London, Birmingham, York, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Blackpool, Cardiff, Manchester, Bath, Liverpool, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Aberdeen, Reading, Plymouth, Norwich, Durham, Lancaster, Cheshire, Cornwall, East Sussex and many other cities in the UK.
The Travelodge hotels offer Standard Rooms with elegant yet classic interiors, SuperRooms with additional high-tech features and luxury facilities, and Plus Rooms with a more contemporary style. The hotels also come with facilities like impeccable restaurants and casual yet modern bar cafés. All bookings are granted unlimited breakfasts of the best quality from these in-house food facilities.
A range of booking deals are available at all times. The latest offer stays in Central London from only £34 per night, Birmingham from £36 per night, Newcastle from £30 per night, and West London from £33. Travelodge UK also offers a service to help you find the best deals for your dream destination to ensure you always save.
Whatever the season, be it during the middle of a semester or a festive season, Travelodge offers competitive rates at all of their hotel locations. The latest special discount vouchers offer guests deals like 5% off all accommodation for students who are registered with Student Beans, free catering and stay for kids under 16, and autumn offers on selected Travelodge hotels for as little as £29 per night. When signing up for the Travelodge newsletter, you also receive a 5% discount on your next booking, along with all the latest news on deals and promotions.