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PrettyLittleThing discount codes and vouchers

February 2025 5 offers validated
Top Voucher

Up to 81% off

Get up to 81% off Dresses Sale when you activate this PrettyLittleThing discount deal.

Top Voucher

25% off

Activate this PrettyLittleThing discount offer to get 25% discount off the hottest picks.

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More discounts this week

25% off

Grab a 25% discount on the SZN Exclusives when you redeem this PrettyLittleThing discount offer.


Redeem this PrettyLittleThing discount offer to get the Gemma Owen collection products from £10.


Activate this deal & Get Free Returns on your orders at PrettyLittleThing.

Recently Expired Discount Vouchers

35% off

Works sitewide. Reveal this PrettyLittleThing voucher code and save 35% Off Sitewide.

32% off

Works sitewide. Apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code to save 32% Off Sitewide.

30% off

Works sitewide. Enjoy 30% Off Sitewide when you apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code.

10% off

Take up to 90% Off + Extra 10% off when you apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code.

12% off

Works sitewide. Take 40-90% Off + Extra 12% off when you apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code.

22% off

Works sitewide. Boxing Day Sale! Enjoy 40-90% Off + Extra 22% off when you redeem this PrettyLittleThing voucher code.

18% off

Works sitewide. Christmas Sale! Use this PrettyLittleThing voucher code to save 40-90% Off + Extra 18% Off your order.

12% off

Works sitewide. Apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code and save an extra 12% off your order.

10% off

Works sitewide. Take up to 90% Off + Extra 10% Off when you apply this PrettyLittleThing voucher code.

8% off

Works sitewide. Take up to 80% Off + Extra 8% Off with this PrettyLittleThing discount code.

PrettyLittleThing Voucher Codes


Pretty Little Thing is an online retailer with a refreshing catalogue that follows all the latest trends and tries to connect to a young and vibrant audience. And what other way but using Instagram and sharing all the best outfits from influencers and celebrities? Have fun using Pretty Little Thing’s wardrobe and try and recreate their style, or simply use the Instagram feed to get inspired for your own creations.

Their killer prices are especially thought to give everyone a chance to feel extra comfortable in their own skin and clothes - you don’t need to spend a fortune to look at your best!

Pretty Little Thing talks to an online audience who is always connected, therefore it doesn’t spare limited treats like temporary promo codes - for example, £1 deliveries - or special offers - like a selection of 50 dresses all priced £5 each. Your shopping can follow your creative flow thanks to a super efficient website: shop by category, by season, by promotion, by latest arrivals. You can also go straight to the Sale section.

Shipping is fast and reliable, which makes Pretty Little Thing a great solution for late purchases as well. A standard delivery takes around 2-5 days, but you can easily arrange for a Next Day delivery. You also get 14 days to change your mind after you receive your purchase. Are you a student? Special student deals are available all year long.

Don’t forget to follow the hashtag #PrettyLittleThing for a daily fashion feed and to tag your looks to become part of the community.