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February 2025 3 offers validated
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Get Gifts from £20 or less when you activate this Christian Aid Charity Gifts offer.

Give beyond your community when buying gifts with Present Aid

The Present Aid UK service works by choosing a gift online, purchasing it and then having a card sent to yourself or a loved one to share this special donation, which is in itself the true gift. The gifts from which you can choose to buy and donate include practical yet essential items such as a fishermen training programme, a cow, a mobile health clinic, a goat, a pack of five mosquito nets, a pair of chickens, a voucher for a safe place to sleep, a school set which includes books, a bag and pens, a sheep, a water hand pump, an emergency disaster kit, antibiotics to be used in the mobile clinic and fruit tree seeds and saplings.

All of these are much needed in poor communities across the world and can be the difference between life and death for many people. By donating one of these gifts, you can easily make a small, but an impactful change in the world.

What makes Present Aid UK even more accessible is the fact that their gifts are priced reasonably and the process is extremely convenient. Present Aid has gifts priced under £20, between £20 and £50, and above £50. A range of gifts can be bought with discount vouchers for even lower prices, such as health gifts from only £5, farming gifts from only £4, animal gifts from £4 and water safety gifts from only £7. For prices that low, your budget will be more than happy to share your care with the world.