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PassTo discount codes and vouchers

March 2025 6 offers validated
Top Voucher

£50 off

Works sitewide. Activate this PassTo discount offer to invite your 3 friends to PassTo and claim a £50 gift when your 3 invited friends make their first successful transfer of at least £200 each.

Top Voucher


Redeem this PassTo discount deal to Enjoy a free transfer and a special welcome rate when you start using PassTo.

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Use this PassTo promo to join the loyalty program and For every penny you pay in remittance fees, you earn 1 point.


Reveal this PassTo discount offer to Transfer money globally with mind-blowing exchange rates and crystal clear pricing with no hidden or sneaky fees.


Activate this PassTo discount offer to send Airtime Top-ups to more than 150 countries around the globe in real-time.


Use this PassTo discount offer to get your 1st transfer Free.