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Works sitewide. Receive 30% off your first order when you apply this Lily's Kitchen voucher code.
Get 50% off on Chomp-Away Chicken Bites 150g and Best Ever Mini Burgers 150g. when you redeem this discount promo at Lily's Kitchen.
Works sitewide and includes free delivery. Recieve 20% off and free delivery on your first order for new customers when you redeem this discount promo at Lily's Kitchen.
Works sitewide and includes free delivery. Use this Lily's Kitchen discount offer to Subscribe to save 5% + free delivery on all future orders.
Reveal this Lily's Kitchen discount offer to save up to £17 off select Cat Foods.
Works sitewide and includes free delivery. Enter this Lily's Kitchen voucher code to save 30% off your first order Plus Free Delivery.
Enter this Lily's Kitchen discount code to save 25% off Selected Recipes.
Works sitewide. Enjoy 15% off all orders when you use this discount code at Lily's Kitchen.
Includes free delivery. Cyber Monday! Get up to 25% off orders over £29 + Free Delivery when you use this discount code at Lily's Kitchen.