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Gardening Express voucher codes

February 2025 5 offers validated
Top Voucher

Up to 70% off

Grab up to 70% off Selected Garden Plants when you use this Gardening Express discount offer.

Top Voucher

Up to 55% off

Activate this Gardening Express discount offer to save up to 55% off select Shrubs & Trees.

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More discounts this week

Up to 40% off

Get up to 40% off Succulent Plants when you use this Gardening Express discount promo.

Up to £50 off

Get up to £50 off Bulk Packs when you redeem these Gardening Express discount offers.

Free delivery

Get Free Delivery on All Orders Over £200 at Gardening Express.

Recently Expired Discount Vouchers

20% off

Reveal this discount code at Gardening Express and save an extra 20% off Wild Bird Feeders & Food.

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10% off

Use this Gardening Express voucher code and save an extra 10% off Garden Furniture.

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20% off

Apply this voucher code and save an extra 20% off a total of 47 different vegetable plants with this Gardening Express voucher code.

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10% off

Enter this Gardening Express voucher code and save an extra 10% off Grow your own Fruit Trees already reduced to £29.99.

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£20.24 off

Works sitewide. Receive £20.24 off on all orders worth £85+ when you redeem this discount code.

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10% off

Use this Gardening Express voucher code to get an extra 10% off Garden Furniture.

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10% off

Grab an additional 10% off Winter Sale items when you reveal this discount code at Gardening Express.

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Gardening Express Voucher Codes

Gardening Express Discount Codes

Gardening Express was established towards the end of the 1990s when the founder Chris Bonnet decided to combine his passion for high-quality plants with the world of online sales. In this way his company came to life, offering other budding gardeners the opportunity to purchase beautiful plants from the comfort of their homes. Gardening Express offers you the assurance that each shrub, tree and plant that you buy online will be delivered to your doorstep in the best condition. For an added assurance that you will receive the best service from Gardening Express use discount codes for additional savings.

When you decide to revamp your garden, the Gardening Express online store makes it simple to find what you are looking for. Visit the Gardening Express homepage and navigate between categories that include shrubs and trees, indoor foliage plants, fruit trees, perennial plants and herbaceous perennials, house and office plants and patio plants. Alternatively, you could shop according to the style of your garden or the types of plants you are interested in. When opting for the latter make sure to look out for a discount code that could help you save £60 on several selected plants.

When you make a purchase from Gardening Express you will need to pay £4.99 for the shipping of your order. Once you have placed your order you can expect delivery between three to five days after the payment has been processed. However, you will be able to receive free shipping on all orders over the value of £175.00 if you make use of a voucher code from If you find the plants you are looking for are cheaper at another nursery Gardening Express will match their price to give you the greatest value for your money.

Once you receive your shipment of plants, trees and flowers and you find an issue with your order Gardening Express has your best interests at heart. You will be able to request a refund within the first 14 days. You then have an additional five-year guarantee on a variety of plants that fail to grow and flourish in that time. However, make sure to check with Gardening Express to ensure that your order is refundable as certain plants will only remain viable for a certain period of time.

Find the newest specials and special offers from Gardening Express by opening the promotions tab on their homepage. You should also make sure to look for any coupon codes that are available to get additional savings. Give your loved one the gift that keeps on giving with a fruit tree or flowering perennial with a gift voucher from Gardening Express. Simply open the gift cards category on their home page, select a gift card that ranges between £10.00 and £250.00 and purchase it for the special person in your life. Choose an image for your card and Gardening Express will send them your card along with a code which they can use to make use of their gift.

To learn more about the amazing deals on offer from Gardening Express as well as information on the latest gardening trends take a look at their social media pages. Follow them on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Gardening Express Shipping Policy

Shipping for all orders from Gardening express requires a £4.99 shipping fee. However, the use of a voucher will provide FREE shipping for orders that exceed £175.00 in value.

Gardening Express Return Policy

Return unwanted Item(s) within the first fourteen days of placing your order. Receive a five-year guarantee on certain plants that will allow you to return them should they fail to thrive within that time frame. Bear in mind that returns are subject to the variety of plant.

Gardening Express Saving Tips

-Visit the Gardening Express homepage to learn about the latest savings -Make use of promo codes to receive up to 80% off of a Minerva Clematis -Look for voucher codes for additional discounts on selected plants -Get free shipping for orders over £175.00 with a discount code

Savings tips from the blog

Renovating Your Garden on a Budget During Lockdown

May 28, 2020 Home & Garden

Have you run out of things to do during lockdown? If so, why not give your garden a much-needed makeover? You can easily renovate your garden on a small budget and in this blog post, we’ll be sharing tips and ideas of how you can do so.

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