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CV-Library discount codes and vouchers

March 2025 3 offers validated
Top Voucher


Upload your CV today to be headhunted by 9,688+ companies, and apply to 177,050+ jobs with 1-click apply at CV-Library.

Top Voucher


Advertise your jobs to millions of monthly users and search 12.7 million CVs in CV-Library.

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CV-Library Voucher Codes

CV Library enables job seekers and recruiters to connect

Job seekers register CVs across all job industries according to category such as admin, driving, nursing, sales, marketing, healthcare, IT, construction, engineering, etc. Your search option is simplified by location search covering all major UK areas. You can enrich your career or enhance your CV with one of the thousands of online training courses available. Career advice, and salary guides will teach you how to get started including how to make your CV stand out, improve your cover letter and sharpen your interview skills to land the best job. The CV Library app is a free download that allows you to search jobs on the go and available on Android, iPhone and iPad.

CV Library UK is a top solution for advertising agencies, direct employers, recruitment agencies and corporates. Top premium products that are offered with discount vouchers for recruiters include targeted display adverts, featured adverts, branded adverts, bespoke company profiles, targeted candidate emails region and nationwide posting. In addition, recruiters have extensive additional products and features to add in maximizing advert response rate.

With new registrations, daily recruiters have over 13 million CV views, instant CV alerts and award-winning support from the CV Library customer service and account management teams. Top discount vouchers that add to the affordability of the platform include job advertising from £75 and access to the largest CV database at £199. Signing up with CV Library gives you the opportunity to receive special offers and voucher alerts directly to your email as soon as they become available.