Works sitewide. Enjoy up to 7% off your hair extensions when you spend £100 with this Cliphair voucher code.
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Works sitewide. Use this cliphair discount offer to get 10% off your first orders with newsletter sign-up.
Works sitewide. Valentine's Day Sale! Apply this Cliphair voucher code for 10% OFF Sitewide + Free Gifts with your order.
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Boxing Day Sale! Redeem this Cliphair discount code to save 12% Off on hair extensions + free gift boxing day end-of-year sale.
Apply this cliphair voucher code to get up to 5% off your order when you purchase any hair extensions
Works sitewide. Enter this Cliphair voucher code and enjoy up to 7% off your hair extensions with a minimum spend of £100.
Black Friday Sale! Enter this Cliphair voucher code and save 15% Off On Hair Extensions + Free Gift with your order.
Works sitewide. Halloween Sale! Apply this Cliphair voucher code and save 12% Off Hair Extensions Sitewide.
Exclusive Exclusive! Reveal this Cliphair vocuher code and get 10% off on hair extensions when you spend £150 or more.
Exclusive Exclusive! Redeem this vocuher code and save 10% off on all hair extensions when you spend £150 at Rainy Days.
Redeem this Cliphair voucher code and save up to 5% off hair extensions.