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Brecon Cottages discount codes and vouchers

February 2025 5 offers validated
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Up to 20% off

Activate this offer to get up to 20% off Last-Minute Breaks at Brecon Cottages.

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Up to 20% off

Get Up to 20% off Special Offers when you activate this discount offer at Brecon Cottages.

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Get Brecon Beacons cottages with hot tubs for £450/ 7 night when you apply this Brecon Cottages offer.


Get Dog-friendly Brecon Beacons cottages from £450 / 7 nights when you redeem this deal at Brecon Cottages.


Get Large Brecon Beacons cottages from £610 / 7 nights when you activate this Brecon Cottages.

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£20 off

Works sitewide. Get £20 off Bookings at Brecon Cottages.

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Brecon Cottages Voucher Codes

Brecon Cottages: Take a break without breaking the bank

Brecon Cottages is an online accommodation booking service suitable for any sized group of locals or holidaymakers in the majestic mountain range area of Brecon Beacon. Their cottage options cater for every type of holiday and are specially located near the water, in remote areas, for those on a budget, large families, romantic getaways, pet-friendly facilities, glamping cottages and cottages with hot tubs. The available locations in the area include Abergavenny, Crickhowell, Hay-on-Wye, North Brecon, Llandovery and Llandeilo, and the Southern National Park.

These gorgeous sites can be experienced by anyone with a love for nature and any sized budget. Their prices are affordable at full price, but get even better with the special offers thrown in on their website, such as massive discounts on cottages in every available area. Discount vouchers are also available for promotions throughout the year, with the latest including discounts of up to 20% on cottages and up to 10% on dog-friendly accommodation, as well as sales on selected cottages.

A monthly newsletter is sent to customers to stay up to date on all the latest sales before they expire, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy a leisurely holiday in one of their cottages. For those who want added fun to their experience, activities like cycling, fishing, horse riding, tennis, walking and water sports are on offer in the various cottage locations. In addition, you can book guided tours of the surrounding scenic area during your relaxing stay with Brecon Holiday Cottages.