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February 2025 9 offers validated
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Receive steel animal cut-outs from £29.99 with this Art of Metal discount promo.


Get the Royal Flush Wall Art for £70 when you redeem this Art of Metal discount offer.


Activate this offer to Get Wedding Gifts from £31.99 at Art of Metal.


Activate this Art of Metal discount offer to get Avengers Wall Art light for £50.


Get Metal Wall Art Lights from £35 when you activate this Art of Metal deal.


Apply this deal! Get Metal Garden Gates from £400 at Art of Metal.

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Art of Metal: Adding a rustic atmosphere to every space

Richard Bower uses his 14 years of creative experience to produce intricate art pieces and gifts all handcrafted with various metals. Art of Metal sells a variety of home décor, ranging from wall art, sculptures, mirrors, clocks and candlesticks, to outdoor wall art and garden gates. Each piece sold on the site is individually handmade.

Art of Metal UK also has a gift shop where they offer Christmas gifts, anniversary gifts and wedding gifts which consist of their best-selling items, such as their steel and copper English Roses and Calla Lilies, as well as a traditional Everlasting Mistletoe design. Gifts range in style and detail, which makes finding the perfect gift for your loved ones or friends easy, yet still personal to their taste in interior and exterior decorations.

Art of Metal aims to provide their customers with the best customer support by offering a contact service whereby clients can make direct orders and queries. For all the latest news and information on special offers, you can subscribe to the Art of Metal newsletter.

The latest discount vouchers at Art of Metal offer free delivery on all orders over £60, along with orders of any amount for rose and lily stand items. All other orders are subject to a standard delivery charge of £6.95. Art of Metal also offers a range of clearance sales and promotions for their customers. Currently, anniversary gifts, wedding gifts and metal wall art pieces are priced as low as £29.99 and kitchen clocks at just £35.99.

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